Laura Vecmane

Laura Vecmane is a contemporary visual artist who has been expressing herself through several classical and experimental creative media - painting, photography, mosaic artistry, ephemeral art, and sculpture since 2002. 

Laura was born and grew up in Latvia, where she early realised her passion and gift for creative arts. During her school years, her talents lay dormant and unused until she rediscovered them at age 20 and pursued the path of art. The early years of her artistic career were spent in Europe, studying art in Latvia, Denmark, and Spain. 

The multicultural influences, impressions of nature, radiant light, rich and vivid colours, and scenes of daily life from people to interiors have been the main inspirations for Laura’s painting. 

In the Dew Of Little Things

134(W) x 84 (H)

Mixed media on canvas
Inspiration: Classical music. Clouds. Landscape. William Morris wallpapers. Contemplation: I love lyrical and poetic expression. I think it is one of the highest achievements of humankind. So poetically through this painting I am chasing poetry through the vast blue and dancing with the cloud flowers...


All Things Fragile

126cm (W) x 126cm (H)


Inspiration: Ceramic pieces. Landscape.

Contemplation: The veil between interiors and exteriors is very thin. Like a glass house, everything perceived around us can be shattered. Be it our views of the world, our natural environments, ecosystems, relationships, etc...The change is constant. Perhaps fragility is a gift, for it holds such intense experience. Until it lasts, we must treasure it. We must look after things we love. We must share our love to kindle this love in others as well.


“Land Escape”

81cm (W) x 130cm (H)
Mixed Media on canvas

Inspiration: A landscape seen from a car window traveling Australian countryside.
Contemplation: This is a winter landscape. With its dry golden grass still swaying in the winds so gracefully. It feels so lovely to escape from towns and city webs to take in the vastness of the countryside.


“I AM THAT, I Am. Remake after Henri Matisse” Triptych

Total Dimensions 368cm(W)x183cm(H)

each piece122cm (W) x 183cm (H)
Oil, oil sticks on canvas

Inspiration: Longing for social connection. Henri Matisse's painting "The Dance".
Contemplation: Regardless of any challenge that life would present to us, nothing can change our nature, but us. To me, life is about coming together and celebrating. All living expressions are showing just that, from a bee hive to migrating flocks of birds - we need others. Life can not emerge or be sustained without the connection, without the support of each other. Any departure from our nature will bring about suffering and unfulfillment. The title has a powerful message in itself. It is myself claiming that I am that - the dancer, part of the dance. It is an immensely powerful word as through the centuries, those familiar with the Bible will know, "I AM That, I AM" is the name referring to God.


Soulscape Nr.2

Framed in white satin floating frame

